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Activity 1: Skills and Best Practices

Decision Making

This activity asks students to use the CNN Website to research information about the cold war. As students interact with this site they are asked to consider the role of key figures and groups during the Cold War and to identify the key actions they took and the motivations for these actions. To complete this activity you may want to review the steps in the problem solving and decision-making process so that students can more accurately follow the thinking of the individuals involved as they decided to act in certain ways during the Cold War.

The following questions, adapted from the work of Brian Maye, are a part of The Texas Social Studies Framework. They are useful to students as they explore the decisions that people have made and the motivations for their actions. For each individual the student should consider:

The entire Texas Social Studies Framework, as a PDF document, can be downloaded from:

The "Questions for Discussion" missing from this activity can be easily created from these questions by simply making the questions more specific to the actions of the individuals and groups concerned.

Using Video Clips to Enhance Learning

Brenda Dyck teaches at Master's Academy and College in Calgary, Alberta (Canada). She offers some interesting insights about "Harnessing Online Video Clips to Enhance Learning". As a bonus she also recommends some of the best sources for online videos, including the CNN site used for this activity: